As elementary teachers, we are on a constant quest to try and learn more about how to help our struggling readers. In each of our classrooms we have students that are not making the progress we would hope, and as educators, it is our job to look for the root cause of what might be creating these challenges and then try differentiated and innovative strategies to support these learners. As a group, we determined many reasons why some of our students are not making the reading progress we would like to see, but as we went through the list we realized that many of these reasons are not ones that we, as classroom teachers, have control over. So, what factors are we able to control? We each have between 60 – 90 minutes a day to give the strongest reading instruction we can and then hope that this facilitates a love of reading in our students that inspires them to read more outside of the school day. Therefore, we devised our own change ideas that would focus on our classroom practices and our attention on small adjustments we could make in our teaching techniques that would have positive results for our students and their reading progress. This change pack contains three practices that teachers might want to try that can support struggling readers in their own classroom.
School Year: