Literacy Lovers is a group of phenomenal human beings who are DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE with supporting student readers at the secondary level. They realized how important it is to LISTEN to students in order to genuinely understand their interests, passions, and needs. Through collective inquiry we discovered that PDSA cycles are not FLAWLESS, but our drive for continuous improvement in literacy is IRREPLACEABLE. Student challenges can often include lack of fundamental reading skills, difficulty with content comprehension, limited access to diverse literature, minimal opportunities to read, unfavorable spaces to read, and so much more! Thus, we are not SORRY for wanting to get students’ reading skills in FORMATION because we know that with literacy improvement comes the FREEDOM to explore, understand, advocate and challenge posited ideas. We see a HALO above each student that reminds us how much they matter to the future, thus our change package includes a few practices that will help students take joy in the SUPERPOWER of loving literacy. WHO RUNS THE WORLD? Readers!
School Year: