Kurt Olson

Kurt is an avid technology enthusiast who’s passion for learning and technology led him to start his career in EdTech in 2009. Kurt is a San Diego native, born and raised in Chula Vista. He attended school at the University of California, Santa Barbara for his undergraduate degree and San Diego State University for his […]
Elizabeth Stevens

Liz is the Emergent Multilingual Learner Coordinator for High Tech Elementary Explorer and High Tech Middle Media Arts. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Liz left home to pursue a degree in Spanish and International Relations at Hendrix College in Arkansas. Upon graduation, she joined Teach For America and began teaching 4th grade in St. […]
Tony Thomas

Hailed from the Keystone State, Pennsylvania, where I grew until my early twenties. Then started my journey west to start college, at the University of Montana, in Missoula. Earned a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, from Montana State University, in Bozeman. Along the way I studied ceramics in Missoula as well. That is where I […]