Sarah co-teaches the Inclusive Classrooms course for the GSE. Sarah joined High Tech High in 2007 and has enjoyed working as both a general education teacher and an Ed Specialist at the K-12 level. Sarah has spent her career looking at school cultural practices that create opportunities for diverse learners to engage in classrooms together and feels most fulfilled when the lines between special education and general education are blurred. Sarah was awarded a Fulbright- Hays grant to study diversity in education in Brazil; specifically the inequitable systems that historically have marginalized indigenous and afro-brazilian communities. Her work in inclusion has also been informed by the semester she spent in Northern Uganda. Sarah participated in a teacher exchange program while supporting educational practices that integrated students who had experienced trauma into the classroom and community. Sarah maintains a multiple subject teaching credential, a single subject English credential, as well as her special education (ed specialist) credential with Autism authorization. She holds a Masters of Arts in Special Education.
As Ed Specialist Program Manager Sarah supports inclusion and Special Education programs across the thirteen High Tech High schools and works with the High Tech High Credentialing program to implement professional development, coursework, and mentorship for new Ed Specialist teachers.