The Voiceless

After learning that suicide was the second largest killer of young people, and the growing need for education about mental health, students partnered with families to discuss their loss of a loved one on camera for a student-run video and banner campaign.

Urban Ants

Students in kinder, third grade, sixth grade, and high school collaborated with university researchers to learn about ants in their urban and natural environments.

Stars in the Parks

Students explored how people use parks to connect to themselves, each other, and to nature while also learning about the stars on trips to these parks.

In My Life

What determines an event in my life ‘significant’?

What Would You Fight For?

How do dissent, political activism and participatory democracy play a role in the struggle for freedom and equality?

American Immigration Project

In This American Life: An Immigration Project, students ask “What challenges have immigrants faced throughout history?”

Give Me Shelter

What impact can I have to positively influence my community?

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