Each student chose an animal to study closely. To record what they’ve learned, they drew models.

Kindergarten students create an inquiry-based project about the nature of play, and in the process transformed an unused piece of land into a new play area.

In 1st Grade Community Magazine, questions like “What makes up a community?” and “What is in the immediate community of our school?” are explored.

Students learned about shoe design before creating their own in order to explore them as a point for a study of identity and diversity.

Students learned about properties of light and the effect it has on certain materials via experiments before writing shadow puppet plays.

“Do you know what symbiosis is?” reads the first line of the book Evolving Ecologists, …

In this project students will be asked to be: Builders/unbuilders, authors, editors, artists, poets, athletes.

Students interviewed younger children and parents in a school next to military housing in order to create a “story cushion” — a pillow with voice recorded chips so children could listen to their parent’s voice whenever they wanted.

Students investigated the role of bees in our ecosystem, the various ways bees are being threatened, and wrote and performed plays about some aspect of what they had learned.

First grade students learned about rainforests, ecosystems, agriculture, history, the economics of trade, and cooking by studying the history of chocolate.

This project helped students to learn to think critically about all aspects of food. Throughout this year-long project, students used the subject of food to talk about community, family traditions, sustainability, and health.

In Through My Eyes: Photography and Literacy, third grade students undertook a year-long study of photography, integrating science, literacy, writing, social studies, and art.

Students interviewed younger children and parents in a school next to military housing in order to create a “story cushion” — a pillow with voice recorded chips so children could listen to their parent’s voice whenever they wanted.

Students learned about shoe design before creating their own in order to explore them as a point for a study of identity and diversity.

First grade students learned about rainforests, ecosystems, agriculture, history, the economics of trade, and cooking by studying the history of chocolate.

“Do you know what symbiosis is?” reads the first line of the book Evolving Ecologists, …

In 1st Grade Community Magazine, questions like “What makes up a community?” and “What is in the immediate community of our school?” are explored.

In Through My Eyes: Photography and Literacy, third grade students undertook a year-long study of photography, integrating science, literacy, writing, social studies, and art.

Each student chose an animal to study closely. To record what they’ve learned, they drew models.

Twelfth grade Environmental Science students discovered that growing food is not as easy as it first may seem.
High Tech High Chula Vista

Students investigated the role of bees in our ecosystem, the various ways bees are being threatened, and wrote and performed plays about some aspect of what they had learned.

In this project students will be asked to be: Builders/unbuilders, authors, editors, artists, poets, athletes.

This project helped students to learn to think critically about all aspects of food. Throughout this year-long project, students used the subject of food to talk about community, family traditions, sustainability, and health.

Students learned about properties of light and the effect it has on certain materials via experiments before writing shadow puppet plays.

Kindergarten students create an inquiry-based project about the nature of play, and in the process transformed an unused piece of land into a new play area.