Our Culture
High Tech High (HTH) is a community of diverse individuals who have come together in service to our 6,200 students and families across the county of San Diego. Our work and our values are guided by the HTH design principles of equity, personalization, authentic work, and collaborative design. Our design principles drive our values through specific human-centered actions.
- We seek to understand before responding
- We share the air by allowing others to be heard
- We are responsive to questions and concerns
- We provide kind, helpful, and specific feedback
- We are conscious of the language used with students
- We work to build a supportive classroom and school community
- We seek to know all students well – “Be the one who notices”
- We care about the success of all students
- We work to identify and support student’s social, emotional, and behavioral learning needs
Culture & Inclusion
- We encourage a culture of mutual respect
- We work to create an inclusive workplace
- We recognize and celebrate diversity
- We strive to build positive relationships
- We work to be open-minded
- We uphold shared norms
- We work to maintain a positive attitude
- We seek to be solution-oriented when problems arise
- We strive to do our share
- We create deep, meaningful learning experiences
- We design projects that engage students in authentic work
- We connect student work to the outside world
- We make students’ work public
- We support students in developing the skills to share their learning meaningfully
- We solicit and welcome feedback
- We seek new solutions to problems
- We practice continuous improvement
- We follow expectations outlined in the HTH Employee Handbook
- We make student safety a priority
- We embrace Diversity- Equity- Inclusion (DEI) practices