HTH recognizes that some students encounter difficulties that hinder their success in school, and that early and deliberate intervention can help increase both student achievement and likelihood of graduation. Academic, social-emotional, behavioral difficulties, and inconsistent attendance all contribute to a student’s challenges in school. For this reason, HTH seeks to incorporate and strengthen supports for students that address needs in all these areas. Broader research demonstrates that unaddressed skill gaps in academic and social-emotional areas negatively impact the trajectory of some subgroups more significantly than their peers.
Understanding this reality, HTH strives to improve and sustain supports most likely to affect these groups. For example, HTH schools have begun to implement the CPS model developed by Dr. Ross Greene to proactively meet the needs of struggling students. Students demonstrating challenging behaviors work with teachers create mutually agreeable solutions using a protocol called a “Plan B”. During the 17-18 school year, teachers noted improved relationships with students who consistently participated in these “Plan B” meetings, as well as reductions in the frequency and severity of challenging behavior.
High Tech High values your feedback. Please share your ideas to help inform the direction of future LCAP plans.