My name is Felix (he/him/his) I am the Lead education specialist and working with 12th grade. My path in education started when I graduated from UCSD in 2014, I got hired at Pacific Arts Movement as the coordinator for a summer program that teaches high school students how to create documentary films that get showcased at festivals across the country. That experience taught me how important it is for young people to have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. From there I connected with the instructor of the class and got hired on at High Tech High North County as an academic coach in 2016, there learned what inclusion meant at a project-based school.
I moved down to Mesa when it first opened up in 2018, I am part of the founding staff here and have been able to learn so much from that experience. Starting a new school where you are basically creating the culture and the experience for students each year growing slowly and developing something unique. My goal at Mesa has been to create a space where students are able to advocate for themselves, verbalize their needs, and make sure they are heard. I hope to bring that experience with me as an education specialist, I hope that with this new role I can do more for students and continue to work towards creating a lasting culture of inclusion at HTHMesa.