Project-Based Learning at HTH
These projects are examples of the work that is done at all of the High Tech High Schools. It is our record of what we have done and how to get there. Teachers can utilize this to display what they have done with their students, and get ideas from others teachers. Students can show their parents and friends the work that they have done, and the community can see how project based learning enables students to do and learn. Please enjoy the projects and videos.
Browse Projects
Kindergarten students create an inquiry-based project about the nature of play, and in the process transformed an unused piece of land into a new play area.
In 1st Grade Community Magazine, questions like “What makes up a community?” and “What is in the immediate community of our school?” are explored.
Teachers devised a project to stimulate students to think critically about their communities. They created conceptual maps of the city to communicate a message they cared about.
Why is it important to live in harmony with native species?
Does My Vote Matter introduces students to the wide array of voting systems that exist and to various measures of fairness in those systems.
How to take the most simple of all drawings…the doodle, and turn it into something more.
Fourth grade teachers designed a project for students to look at history through the lens of sports and to explore how sports build and shape communities.
Browse Projects
Students investigated the role of bees in our ecosystem, the various ways bees are being threatened, and wrote and performed plays about some aspect of what they had learned.
Students wrote pieces of poetry and conducted interviews to be included in different field guides about the San Diego bay.
In Life By The Tide: Our Coastal Ecosystems, our students will conduct research about this ecosystem and the organisms that inhabit this region.
What small scale systems are related to larger scale systems? In language and culture? In science?
What issues and problems does San Diego and its people face? How can I use empathy and compassion to make a positive difference in my community?
In your own words, define what engineering is.
This project allowed students to explore methods of data collection, analysis, and research into public health at a local and global level